When Saint Paul affirmed to the Church in Galatia that we have all “been called to liberty,” he also reminded them that, in our freedom, we “through love serve one another” (Galatians 5:13). It is our freedom that calls us to serve, following Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Creator of the universe, who became a human being and took on the form of a servant. As part of that call, the Montrose Mission will, for a time, stop meeting for Divine Liturgy in Montrose on Sundays. Instead, we will join Saint Andrew’s in Delta until such time as they are appointed a new priest. (May God bring more priests to serve His Church!) God willing, the Montrose Mission will continue to hold Saturday Great Vespers at 7:00 PM, but Sundays, for now, we’ll celebrate the resurrection with our brothers and sisters in Delta. May it be blessed!